Envision Seminars
DEBT - a cancer in our communities
A dramatic and provocative seminar title, but with 1 in 10 households in the UK now being affected by serious debt issues, it is no overstatement.
CMA can run a half day seminar on the subject of personal debt and how you can help people in need.
These seminars are FREE and include:
- CMA - who we are, what we do
- An overview of the national personal debt crisis
- Information concerning debt and related issues in your own local area
- How debt affects lives - the nature of this ‘cancer’
- The different ways YOU can get involved in helping to address this deep need
- How CMA can help you establish a local debt advice service
- True stories of CMA centre clients who have been freed from the blight of debt
- Testimonies from centres who work as CMA affiliates
The seminars are led by two members of CMA staff, one being your own region’s Operations Support Manager (OSMs are also trained debt advisers working within CMA centre environments).
The seminar takes approximately 2-2.5 hours, so can be run in a morning, afternoon or evening.
Excellent and exciting Envision seminar! “We will definitely be setting at least one centre up here, I can tell you that even before taking it to my church leaders next Wednesday”!